All-Optical Divided-Clock Extractor Using an Ultrafast All-Optical Symmetric-Mach-Zehnder-Type Semiconductor Switch Embedded in a Optical Loop
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2000-08-01
Ueno Y
Networking Research Laboratories Nec Corporation:department Of Electronic Engineering University Of
Ueno Yoshiyasu
Opto-electronics Research Laboratories Nec Corporation
Ueno Yoshiyasu
Optoelectronics And High-frequency Device Research Laboratories Nec Corporation
Ueno Yoshiyasu
Networking Research Laboratories Nec Corporation:department Of Electronic Engineering University Of
Networking Res. Labs., NEC Corporation
Nakamura S
Networking Res. Labs. Nec Corporation
Optoelectronics and High-Frequency Device Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation
TAJIMA Kazuhito
Optoelectronics and High-Frequency Device Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation
田島 圭介
Dept. Of Ee The University Of Tokushima
Ueno Y
Nec Corp. Ibaraki Jpn
- 30a-PS-103 Fe_3Ptの原子秩序化過程とキュリー温度の秩序度依存性
- 30a-PS-98 TiAs-MnAs-MnSbの磁性
- Hoの磁場誘起結晶相転移
- 5p-PSB-22 MnAs-MnSbの強磁場中におけるX線構造解析
- 遍歴電子メタ磁性体Lu(Co1-xGax)2の磁気弾性効果と1次磁気相転移 (「極端条件下における中性子回折・散乱」第3回ワークショップ報告書)
- 24aR-11 遍歴電子メタ磁性体Lu(Co_Ga_x)_2のX線回折
- 4a-G-9 Ni_3Mnの原子秩序と磁性
- 15a-PS-19 金属(Mn_3Pt)及び絶縁体(RbMnF_3)反強磁性体の中性子磁性散乱
- 1a-PS-31 Fe_3Pt合金のスピン波励起の原子秩序依存
- 25p-PSA-12 Mn_3PtのTOF法による中性子常磁性散乱
- 5a-PS-9 K(Mn_Co_Ni_)F_3のスピン波励起
- 27a-PS-8 二次元ランダム反強磁性体Rb_2Co_cNi_F_4の磁気励起
- 22aZF-7 (Nd_Sm_)_
- 1p-PSA-10 CeB_6の磁場中X線回折
- 28aYK-1 DyB_2C_2の反強四重極秩序領域における磁場誘起結晶構造相転移
- 22aE-5 DyB_6のX線回折 (II)
- Configuration of a Manufacturing Line for Mixed Production of Ultra-Short TAT LSIs and Low-Cost LSIs
- Crystal Lattice Changes Induced by Magnetic Field and Helifan Structure in Holmium Metal
- 19aPS-62 DyB_2C_2の反強四重極秩序領域における磁場誘起結晶構造変化II
- A New Scheme of Combining Advanced Packet Discard and Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Low Delay/Low litter Realtime Communication Using CBQ/ALTQ(Special Issue on Network Software)
- Proposal of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Technique for Low Delay/Low Jitter Realtime Communication and Its Evaluation by Using CBQ (Special Issue on New Developments on QoS Technologies for Information Networks)
- Relationship between Variable Capacitance Characteristic and Effect of Ferrite Magnetic Wedge in Capacitor Motor Switched by Triac
- Novel Window-Structure AlGaInP Visible-Light Laser Diodes with Non-Absorbing Facets Fabricated by Utilizing GaInP Natural Superlattice Disordering
- Nonexistence of Long-Range Order in Ga_In_P Epitaxial Layers Grown on (111)B and (110) GaAs Substrates : Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
- Development of optical isotropic E-field sensor operating more than 10 GHz using Mach-Zehnder interferometers
- Improving design method for sensitivity and frequency response of E-field sensor using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
- 18pPSB-32 Nd_Ca_Mn_Cr_O_3のX線回折
- 27aYM-12 Pr_Ca_MnO_3の低温高圧X線回折
- 22aSF-2 Pr_Ca_xMnO_3の磁場中X線回折
- 29a-C-13 Pr_Ca_XMnO_3(x=0.35, 0.4, 0.5)における変調構造
- 29a-C-11 (Nd_Sm_y)_Sr_xMnO_3のX線散漫散乱
- 26a-PS-55 (Nd_Sm_y)_Sr_xMnO_3のX線回折
- 25a-YF-4 Pr_Ca_xMnO_3(x=0.35, 0.4, 0.5)における電荷整列相転移のX線回折
- 632.7 nm CW Operation (20℃) of AlGaInP Visible Laser Diodes Fabricated on (001) 6°off toward [110] GaAs Substrate
- X線回折で眺めた希土類金属の磁歪
- Hybrid-Integrated Symmetric Mach-Zehnder All-Optical Switches and Ultrafast Signal Processing(Ultrafast Photonics)
- Control Scheme for Optimizing the Interferometer Phase Bias in the Symmetric-Mach-Zehnder All-Optical Switch(Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)(OECC Awarded)
- Control Scheme for Optimizing the Interferometer Phase Bias in the Symmetric-Mach-Zehnder All-Optical Switch (IEICE Trans., Electron., Vol. E86-C, No. 5, Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Ultrafast Hybrid-Integrated Symmetric Mach-Zehnder All-Optical Switch and Its 168Gbps Error-Free Demultiplexing Operation(Special Issue on Advanced Optical Devices for Next Generation Photonic Networks)
- Ultrafast 168 GHz 1.5 ps 1 fJ Symmetric-Mach-Zehnder-Type All-Optical Semiconductor Switch
- All-Optical Divided-Clock Extractor Using an Ultrafast All-Optical Symmetric-Mach-Zehnder-Type Semiconductor Switch Embedded in a Optical Loop
- Spectral Phase-Locking in Ultrafast All-Optical Mach-Zehnder-Type Semiconductor Wavelength Converters
- Femtosecond Operation of a Polarization-Discriminating Symmetric Mach-Zehnder All-Optical Switch and Improvement in Its High-Repetition Operation (Joint Special Issue on Photonics in Switching : Systems and Devices)
- Femtosecond Operation of a Polarization-Discriminating Symmetric Mach-Zehnder All-Optical Switch and Improvement in Its High-Repetition Operation (Joint Special Issue on Photonics in Switching : Systems and Devices)
- 28p-PSB-34 少数キャリアー物質CeX(X=P, As)およびYb_4As_3のX線回折
- 少数キャリアー物質Ce_xLa_PおよびYb_4As_3の熱膨張
- 29aPS-31 遍歴電子磁性体 Fe_2P 系の磁気相転移に関する X 線回折実験
- 29aPS-31 遍歴電子磁性体 Fe_2P 系の磁気相転移に関する X 線回折実験
- 24pPSB-9 Hoのhelifan磁気構造と格子変調IV
- Low Spurious Frequency Setting Algorithm for a Triple Tuned Type PLL Synthesizer Driven by a DDS(Special Issue on Signals, Systems and Electronics Technology)
- 25a-PS-41 Dyの格子変調構造
- Effect of Ferrite Magnetic Wedge on Characteristics of Capacitor Motor under Asymmetrical Voltage Application
- Effects of Power Loss Reduction with Ferrite Magnetic Wedge on Capacitor Motor
- Effects of Ferrite Magnetic Wedges on Running Characteristics of Split-Phase Condenser Motor in Changing Capacities
- Effect of Ferrite Magnetic Wedge on Capacitor Motor Characteristics in Triac Control
- Resolution Correction for Time-of-Flight Neutron Scattering Experiments Using the Monte Carlo Method
- 31a-H-8 格子歪の測定結果によるErの磁気構造解析
- 27a-J-10 Er単結晶の一次磁気相転移III
- 30p-W-10 Erの磁気相図と格子変調 III
- 6a-YK-16 Erの磁気相図と格子変調 II
- 28p-PSA-36 Erの磁気相図と格子変調
- Erの一次磁気相転移の時間発展に及ぼす結晶モザイク度の影響
- 30p-PSA-17 Er単結晶の一次磁気相転移 II
- 30p-PSA-16 Dyの1次磁気相転移
- Neutron Paramagnetic Scattering from Antiferromagnetic RbMnF_3 and Mn_3Pt Using Time of Flight Technique
- Resolution Function and Recent Developments of the Multi-Analyser Crystal Spectrometer MAX
- Spin Dynamics in a Quasi-Two Dimensional Antiferromagnet MnTiO_3
- Fluctuation of a bending moment acting on the rotating blade of a horizontal axis wind turbine : comparison of experimental results and annular momentum theory
- Crystal Lattice Modulations Induced by Helifan Magnetic Structure in Holmium Metal
- Large Phase Shifts due to the X(^2) Cascading Nonlinearity in Large Walk-off and Loss Regimes in Semiconductors and Other Dispersive Materials
- Effect of Magnetic Field on Crystal Lattice in Dysprosium Studied by X-Ray Diffraction
- Increased Catastrophic-Optical-Damage Output Power for High-Power Semiconductor Lasers Coated with High-Refractive-Index Films
- 31a-N-7 Pr_Ca_xMnO_3(x=0.35,0.4)における電荷整列相転移のX線回折
- 28p-PSA-34 Dyの磁場誘起結晶相転移と磁気構造
- 27p-YK-11 Hoのhelifan磁気構造と格子変調III
- 25a-PS-40 磁場中比熱測定によるDy, Hoの磁気相図の決定
- 25a-YJ-6 DyB_6のX線回折
- 31a-N-6 X線回折による(Nd_Sm_y)_Sr_xMnO_3(x=0.48,y=0.875)の格子歪み
- 29p-YG-3 希土類金属Erの一次相転移の潜伏時間
- 29a-PS-14 Dy, Erの一次磁気相転移
- 31p-PSB-21 X線回折による稀土類金属Er及びDyの一次磁気相転移の観測
- 5a-W-10 Nd_Sr_MnO_3の磁場中X線回折
- 29a-Q-10 X線回折によるNd_Sr_MnO_3の電荷整列
- 30a-PS-75 希土類金属スパイラル-フェロ転移の磁場中X線回折
- 6a-YK-15 Hoのhelifan構造と格子変調II
- 4p-Q-2 希土類金属の1次磁気相転移
- 8Tまでの強磁場下におけるX線回折実験
- 14a-PS-40 Dy, Hoの一次磁気相転移
- 25p-PSB-42 Dyの一次磁気相転移
- 28p-PSA-35 Hoのhelifan構造と格子変調
- 希工類金属の1次磁気相転移(物性研短期研究会報告「一次相転移に伴うメゾスコピック構造の形成とそのダイナミックス」,研究会報告)
- 5a-S3-9 温度誘起型常磁性体FeSiのスピンゆらぎ
- 6aPS-98 Pr0.65Ca0.35MnO3およびNd0.5Sr0.5MnO3の低温高圧単結晶X線回折(4f・5f電子系,重い電子系,遷移金属酸化物,領域8)