沖繩本島北部の山脚, 森林地帯で採集した蚊について
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to know the mosquito fauna and biology in the forest area in the northern part of Okinawajima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, a mosquito survey was conducted monthly for 6 years from 1976 to 1981. Collections were made mainly at a seaside cemetery (area H), foot of a mountain (area YS and YE) and a jungle forest (area AD). Adult mosquitoes were collected by daytime human-bait catches and larvae were also collected by a dipper and pipet from their natural habitats and at artificial containers such as wooden box, earthen jar, tin can and glass vial which had been placed beforehand. In total, 31 species of 11 genera were found in the present survey. Among them Ae. japonicus was a newly recorded species in Okinawajima. Larvae of Ur. nivipleura were also newly recorded in Japan. Toxorhynchites sp. is very similar to Tx. towadensis, belonging to the Tx. manicatus group. This species was very rare but its larvae were collected from wooden boxes placed in the jungle forest. The overwintering of the species was made in the larval stage. The larvae of Cx. ryukyensis, Ae. albopictus and Ur. n. ryukyuana were commonly found in area H. Most of the females collected in this area were Ae. albopictus (95%) and a few Ar. subalbatus (4%) was also included. At the base of the mountain, the larvae of Ae. albopictus, Ae. f. downsi, Ae. riversi, Ae. a. okinawanus and Or. anopheloides were predominant. In the YS area, teh predominant females were Ae. albopictus (60%) and Ar. subalbatus (38%). In the YE area, Ae. albopictus (40%), An. saperoi (31%) and Ae. riversi (15%) were predominant and the rest were Ar. subalbatus, Ae. a. okinawanus and Ae. f. downsi in decreasing order. In the jungle forest area (AD), the predominant species breeding in the artificial containers were the same as those in areas YS and YE except Ae. albopictus which was never collected in this area. The most common species that came to bite in the area was An. saperoi (62%) and its immature stages were commonly found in streams. Considerable numbers of Ae. a. okinawanus (25%) and Ae. riversi (8%) also came to bite in this area. Engorged females and/or larvae in all instars and pupae of Ae. albopictus, Ae. riversi, An. saperoi, Ae. a. okinawanus, Ar. subalbatus, Cx. ryukyensis and Ur. n. ryukyuana were collected even in winter. Apparently blood feeding, oviposition and adult emergence of these species continued in the winter season.
- 1981-12-15
- 琉球列島産 Anopheles saperoi 二亜種の形態分類学的研究
- 沖繩本島北部の山脚, 森林地帯で採集した蚊について
- A30 東マレーシア サラワク州における蚊の発生源としてのココナツ殻(第59回日本衛生動物学会大会特集)
- B15 沖縄におけるカニアナヤブカ Ochlerotatus baisasi の生態 V : 産卵及び卵の耐乾・耐湿性について
- B14 沖縄におけるカニアナヤブカ Ochlerotatus baisasi の生態 IV : 交尾と吸血源について
- B13 沖縄におけるカニアナヤブカ Ochlerotatus baisasi の生態 III : 成虫の日周活動
- B12 沖縄におけるカニアナヤブカ Ochlerotatus baisasi の生態 II : 幼虫の発生消長
- B11 沖縄におけるカニアナヤブカ Ochlerotatus baisasi の生態 I : 主要な発生源と採集方法
- 8 沖縄県北部の田芋畑や水田地域での蚊幼虫,成虫調査(第57日本衛生動物学会南日本支部大会講演要旨)
- 1 沖縄県4島と鹿児島県奄美大島における2005年のCulex vishnui subgroupの蚊幼虫調査(一般講演,第56回日本衛生動物学会南日本支部大会講演要旨)
- 1993-1994 年の沖縄県における Anopheles minimus, An. saperoi および An. sinensis 幼虫の殺虫剤感受性について
- 5 沖縄産ハマダラカ属の蚊 3 種のネズミマラリア原虫 Plasmodium yoelii nigeriense に対する感受性実験
- 1990-1994 年の琉球列島石垣島におけるマラリア媒介蚊コガタハマダラカ Anopheles minimus の分布と発生消長
- 小笠原諸島父島におけるネッタイイエカ Culex quinquefasciatus, ヒトスジシマカ Aedes albopictus, オガサワライエカ Cx. boninensis 幼虫の殺虫剤感受性について
- ジャワクシヒゲカ : 新分布記録, 幼虫再記載およびアジアとオセアニアにおけるクシヒゲカ亜属イエカ幼虫の検索表
- 琉球列島石垣島での Culex (Culex) vishnui Theobald の発見
- 八重山群島の蚊科に関する研究 : 9. 石垣・西表島の人家周辺に生息する蚊について
- 八重山群島の蚊科に関する研究 : 8 与那国島の蚊について
- 沖繩におけるトウゴウヤブカ Aedes (Finlaya) togoi (Theobald) 幼虫個体群の季節的消長について
- 2 石垣島の 4 離島における Anopheles minimus コガタハマダラカの生息状況
- 室内塵からのダニの採集方法とダニ数
- 沖縄県下の保育所の床と寝具のダニ
- 沖縄県の寝具および寝室の細塵中のダニ相とダニ数について
- 沖縄県における寝室床の塵中ダニ
- 沖縄県での寝具のダニ除去の試み
- 沖縄市での3歳児健診におけるアレルギー疾患の実態
- 沖繩県の気管支喘息児家屋における室内塵中のダニ調査
- 10 採集時間とダニ収量の関係について
- 1991,1995 年の琉球列島宮古島におけるコガタハマダラカ Anopheles minimus 幼虫の生息調査
- 異なるふるいによる室内塵からのホコリダニの検出
- 1989 年の沖縄県におけるネッタイイエカ Culex quinquefasciatus 幼虫の殺虫剤感受性について
- 1970-1972 年および 1989 年の沖縄県におけるコガタアカイエカ Culex tritaeniorhynchus 幼虫の殺虫剤抵抗性について
- 沖縄県那覇市近郊の気管支喘息患者を含む家屋内のダニ相と季節的消長について
- 沖縄県各地のヒトスジシマカ Aedes albopictus 幼虫の殺虫剤感受性について
- 琉球列島沖縄島におけるヒトスジシマカ Aedes albopictus 卵の孵化率の季節変化
- 幼若ホルモン類似体メトプレンの沖縄産蚊数種幼虫に対する効果と効力持続性
- Aedes (Stegomyia) scutellaris subgroup に属する Ae. riversi, Ae. alcasidi と Ae. scutellaris の生殖隔離
- 沖縄本島産ヒトスジシマカ, ダウンズシマカおよびリバーズシマカの交雑実験
- 八重山群島の蚊科に関する研究 : 7. クロフトオヤブカの交尾習性