- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aimed at a Japanese organizational dysfunctional behavior (ODB) scale. Forty-two items were selected from our pilot study and from the existing research in the U.S. Japanese employees (n=326; mean age 37.8 years; 223 men, 103 women), working for corporations in Japan participated in this study answering the questionnaire tailored for this study. The results of factor analysis indicated that ODB in Japan consisted of four dimensions : (a) "serious dysfunctional behaviors for the job" (indicated by items such as : damaging public property in the workplace); (b) "sabotage" (indicated by items such as : sending private e-mails to someone during working hours); (c) "verbal harassment" (indicated by items such as speaking evil of someone in the workplace behind him or her); and (d) "verbal violence" (indicated by items such as arguing with someone at work). The alpha coefficient for each of the dimensions was .889, .786, .747, and .791 indicating that the levels of the reliability of the scales were substantially high. Confirmatory factor the analysis verified that 4-factor structure had acceptable fit. High correlations with organizational deviant scales by Bennett and Robinson (2000) indicated the Japanese ODB has concurrent validity. The results of the Item Response Theory (IRT) indicated that each of the scales consisted of items that appropriate for measuring ODB in Japan.
- 2005-01-30
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