ヒメシャジン群の分類学的研究 : I.シラトリシャジンについて
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Variations in gross morphology of Adenophora uryuensis MIYABE et TATEWAKI, an endemic species to Hokkaido, and its closely related species, A. pereskiifolia (FISCH. ex ROEM. et SCHULT.) FISCH. var. heterotricha (NAKAI) HARA here used in the sense of OHWI (1953) (including A. pereskiifolia (FIISCH. ex ROEM. et SCHULT.) FISCH. var. moiwana (NAKAI) HARA), which ranges from northern Honshu to Hokkaido in Japan, were investigated. These two species belong to the A. nikoensis complex characterized by glabrous cup-shaped disk, sessile cauline leaves, and thick roots. For fifty six plants from eleven populations (see Table 2, except for A. nikoensis populations), chromosome number were counted. The principal component analysis on the variations of eight morphological characters from nine populations of these two species and three populations of A. nikoensis in Central Honshu (see Table 1) were also conducted. Conspicuous differences in both external morphology and chromosome number were found between A. vryuensis and A. pereskiifolia var. heterotricha as follows; A. uryuensis MIYABE et TATEWAKI proved to be diploid with 2n=34 chromosomes, and is characterized by ovate or broad lanceolate calyx lobes, short disk (less than 1 mm in length), shorter style than corolla, and corolla lobes deeply dissected half as long as the total corolla length, whereas A. pereskiifolia var. heterotricha is a tetraploid with 2n=68 chromosomes, and is characterized by lanceolate or narrow lanceolate calyx lobes, cup-shaped disk (1-3 mm in length), longer style than corolla, and corolla lobes shallowly dissected, one third as long as the total corolla length. According to all the evidences available at present, it may be reasonable to regard Adenophora vryuensis as an independent species, as was originally proposed by MIYABE et TATEWAKI (1935). As stated above, karyological as well as morphological characteristics of this plant clearly reveal its status as a biological independent entity, and this plant is readily distinguishable from a wide-ranging species, A. pereskiifolia sensu lato.
- 日本植物分類学会の論文
- 1988-06-25
- 大阪教育大学柏原キャンパスの植物相とその変化
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- 日本産シシウド属およびヤマゼリ属植物数種の染色体数
- ヒメシャジン群の分類学的研究 : I.シラトリシャジンについて
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- キク科の花の性表現 (特集 キク科植物)
- Lovet Doust, & L. Lovet Doust, eds.(1988), 『Plant Reproductive Ecology.』, Oxford University Press, 344pp.
- 日本産被子植物の性表現-4-
- 植物園利用報告 No.15 (1992)
- マルバアオダモ(モクセイ科)の性表現
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