- 論文の詳細を見る
After treating the methanol extractive of the leaves of Trachelospermum asiaticum NAKAI var.intermedium NAKAI with ethyl acetate, the mother liquor was extracted with butanol. Three flavone diglycosides (VIII, IX, and X) were isolated from butanol extract by column chromatography over silica gel. VIII and X were respectively identified with the authentic rhoifolin and luteolin 7-neohesperidoside (veronicastroside) in all respects. IX is a new compound, which was elucidated as apigenin 7-gentiobioside.
- 1973-09-25
西部 三省
久田 末雄
稲垣 勲
佐久嶋 明世
久田 末雄
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashi Nippon Gakuen University
久田 末雄
稲垣 勲
佐久嶋 明世
佐久嶋 明世
Faculty Of Pharmaccutical Sciences Higashi Nippon Gakuen University
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- 22 2,3-dibenzylbutyrolactone lignansの絶対構造について
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- 24 モクセイ科植物からのリグナン
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