フロログルシノール誘導体を含むシダ植物の薬学的研究 その9オオクジャクシダ根茎の成分.(1)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A new phloroglucinol derivative, filixic acid ABA (III), C_32H_36O_12,mp 163-166°, was isolated from the rhizomes of Dryopteris dickinsii (FR. et SVA.) C. CHR. (Aspidiaceae). The structure of this compound was deduced from a detailed study of infrared, ultraviolet, and nuc1ear magnetic resonance spectra, and alkaline cleavage, and confirmed by its synthesis. Another phloroglucinol derivative was identified as filixic acid BBB (I).
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1972-09-25
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- フロログルシノール誘導体を含むシダ植物の薬学的研究 その9オオクジャクシダ根茎の成分.(1)
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