活性酸素による生体障害に関する研究(第1報) : アロキサン糖尿病発症に対する種々ハイドロキシル・ラジカル消去剤の防御作用(生物学及び生化学)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Protective effects of several hydroxyl radical (HO・) scavengers and superoxide dismutase on alloxan-induced diabetes were studied in vivo. Thiourea, methylthiourea, dimethylthiourea and ethanol, HO・ scavengers (type 1), which easily cross cellular membranes, protected initial- and permanent-hyperglycemia. In contrast, mannitol and sorbitol (type 2), which can not cross cellular membranes, protected initial-hyperglycemia, but did not protect permanent-hyperglycemia. Furthermore, superoxide dismutase which is not expected to be incorporated into pancreatic β-cell, strongly protected initial-hyperglycemia but partially protected permanent-hyperglycemia. These results suggest that HO・primarily damages the β-cell membranes by acting at or neat a site involved in insulin release, and subsequently damages the intracellular components. From these results, the possible protective mechanism of these scavengers was discussed.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1986-11-25
桜井 光一
三浦 俊明
小木曾 健人
小木曾 健人
Department of Biochemistry, Hokkaido Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
小木曾 健人
Department Of Biochemistry Hokkaido Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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