Stimulation of the Biosynthesis of Interleukin 8 by Interleukin 1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor α in Cultured Human Chorionic Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
Human chorion, but not amnion, tissue explants produced substantial quantities of neutrophil chemoattractant in response to interleukin 1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα). This suggested that chorion is one of the chemoattractant producing tissues. Therefore, the biochemical properties and the regulation of a chemoattractant in human chorionic cells were examined. IL-1α and TNFα stimulated human chorionic cells to produce neutrophil chemotactic factor in both a dose- and time-dependent manner. This chemotactic factor was a heat-stable and trypsin-sensitive protein with an apparent molecular weight of 10000,and it was also immunologically identified as a chemotactic cytokine of the human IL-8 family. Immunohistochemical observations with IL-1α-and TNFα-treated chorion explants indicated that trophoblasts and stromal cells, including fibroblast-like and macrophage-like cells, but not endothelial cells, were characterized as IL-8-producing cells. From these observations, it is very likely that both IL-1 and TNFα may participate in the production of chemotactic factor/IL-8 in pre-term parturition, accompanied by an intraamniotic infection, along with their known promotive effect on the production of matrix metalloproteinases, which is connected with the destruction of matrix components of fetal membranes.
- 1994-11-15
笹栗 靖之
Second Department Of Pathology University Of Occupational And Environmental Health School Of Medicin
平川 舜
広瀬 国孝
Biomedical Research Laboratories Kureha Chemical Ind. Co.
伊東 晃
森 陽
Department of Biochemistry, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
森 陽
森 陽
Department Of Biochemistry Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
伊東 晃
Department of Biochemistry, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
中村 孝
Department of Biochemistry, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
内山 太郎
Department of Biochemistry, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
平川 舜
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Toho University
伊東 晃
伊東 晃
東京薬科大学 薬学部 第一生化学研究室
内山 太郎
Department Of Biochemistry Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
中村 孝
Department Of Biochemistry Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
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