Protective Action of Desoxypodophyllotoxin on D-Galactosamine-induced Liver Lesion in Rats
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Pretreatment of rats with desoxypodophyllotoxin for 4 d (day-3 to day 0) has been found to inhibit the increase of serum transaminase activities at 24 h after D-galactosamine injection (day 0) in a dose-dependent manner and to prevent histological deterioration of the liver. In the case of pretreatment with desoxypodophyllotoxin, serum transaminase activities were lower than those of the control group until 24 h after D-galactosamine injection, but rather higher than the control levels afterwards. Successive treatment with desoxypodophyllotoxin for 6 d (day-3 to day 2) markedly inhibited the increase of serum enzyme activities induced by D-galactosamine up to the end of the experiment (day 4). Concerning the mechanism of the liver-protective action of desoxypodophyl-lotoxin, it is suggested that the stabilizing effect of desoxypodophyllotoxin on the plasma membrane may play an important role in protecting the liver from lesions caused by D-galactosamine.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1982-10-25
若狭 治毅
Department Of Pathology Tohoku University School Of Medicine
木曽 良信
今野 長八
Pharmaceutical Institute Tohoku University
ヒキノ ヒロシ
Pharmaceutical Institute Tohoku University
ヒキノ ヒロシ
ヒキノ ヒロシ
Pharmaceutical Institute Faculty Of Medicine Tohoku University
ヒキノ ヒロシ
木曽 良信
木曽 良信
Institute For Biomedical Research Suntory Ltd.
木曽 良信
橋本 一夫
College of Medical Sciences, Tohoku University
木曽 良信
Pharmaceutical Institute, Tohoku University
橋本 一夫
College Of Medical Sciences Tohoku University
若狭 治毅
Department Of Pathology I Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
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