Absorption, Distribution, and Excretion of Suprofen in Mice of Both Sexes
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The disposition and metabolism of DL-2-(4-(2-thienylcarbonyl) phenyl) propionic acid (suprofen, S) were evaluated in male and female mice. The radiometric findings following oral administration of 2mg/kg of ^3H-S to male and female mice showed similar patterns of absorption, distribution, and excretion of the radioactivity. S was rapidly absorbed in mice of both sexes ; blood levels after a single oral dose of 2 mg/kg of ^3H-S reached maxima within 7.5 min. Blood radioactivity was mostly accounted for by unchanged S. Elimination of ^3H-S from the blood was rapid ; most of the radioactivity was excreted in the urine and a portion in the feces within 24h after oral administration of 2mg/kg of ^3H-S or 10mg/kg of ^<14>C-S. The only tissues with concentrations similar to or higher than that in the plasma were those involved in metabolism and excretion (liver and kidney) ; other tissue levels, except for the stomach, were all very low and there was no evidence of accumulation of drug-related material in any tissue. Male mouse urine contained S, 2-(4-(2-thienylhydroxymethyl) phenyl) propionic acid, 2-(4-carboxyphenyl) propionic acid, and two unknown metabolites, accounting for about 73% of the urinary radioactivity.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1984-03-25
馬場 茂雄
森 幸雄
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
豊吉 一美
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
馬場 茂雄
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
森 幸雄
森 幸雄
豊吉 一美
馬場 茂雄
株式会社ネモトサイエンス つくば研究所
横家 房志
Taiyo Pharmaceutical Industry Co.
Taiyo Pharmaceutical Industry Co.
横家 房志
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