豊吉 一美 | Gifu Pharmaceutical University
豊吉 一美
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
豊吉 一美
森 幸雄
森 幸雄
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
馬場 茂雄
株式会社ネモトサイエンス つくば研究所
馬場 茂雄
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
森 幸雄
丹羽 俊朗
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
平野 和行
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
杉浦 衛
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
杉浦 衛
Gifu College Of Pharmacy
平野 和行
Gifu College Of Pharmacy
堀 俊郎
Gifu College of Pharmacy Tokyo College of Pharmacy
馬場 茂雄
堀江 正信
山崎 浩史
金沢大学薬学部 薬物代謝化学化学研究室
山崎 浩史
山崎 浩史
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
仁井 裕章
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
飯野 四郎
First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
織田 敏次
National Medical Center
飯泉 祐一
Gifu College of Pharmacy
鈴木 宏
First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
鈴木 宏
粕谷 泰次
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
織田 敏次
杉浦 衛
織田 敏次
豊吉 一美
横家 房志
Taiyo Pharmaceutical Industry Co.
Taiyo Pharmaceutical Industry Co.
堀江 正信
Gifu College of Pharmacy Tokyo College of Pharmacy
横家 房志
山本 鉄夫
Gifu College of Pharmacy
- Influence of Microsomal and Cytosolic Fractions from the Liver of 4 Animal Species and Man on the Mutagenicity of Carcinogenic Aminoazo Dyes and Nature of the Mutagenicity-Enhancing Factor in the Cytosol from Rat Liver
- A Role of Alkaline Phosphatase in Phosphate Transport
- Aryl Hydroxylation of Aminoazo Dyes and 3-Acetaminotoluene by Several Model Systems
- Studies on Carcinogenic Azo Dyes. VII. Changes in the Hepatic Activities of 3'-Me-DAB Metabolism by Rat, Mouse, and Hamster during the Repeated Administration of 3'-Me-DAB
- Carcinogenic Azo Dyes. XVIII. Syntheses of Azo Dyes related to 3'-Hydroxymethyl-4-(dimethylamino) azobenzene, a New Potent Hepatocarcinogen
- Studies on Carcinogenic Azo Dyes. VI. Effect of Factors Influencing Drug Metabolism on the NIH Shift during Hydroxylations of 4-Dimethylamino-3'-methylazobenzene and 3-Methylacetanilide
- Absorption, Distribution, and Excretion of Suprofen in Mice of Both Sexes
- Carcinogenic Azo Dyes. XII. Detection of New Metabolites of Aminoazo Dyes by Rat Liver
- Carcinogenic Azo Dyes. XI. Analysis of Biliary and Urinary Metabolites of 3'-Methyl-4-(methylamino) azobenzene in Rat
- Aryl Hydroxylation of 3-Methylacetanilide [4-^H] by Several Model Systems
- Studies on Carcinogenic Azo Dyes. V. The NIH Shift during the Aryl Hydroxylation of 3'-Methyl-4-(dimethylamino) azobenzene and 3-Methylacetanilide by the Rat
- Studies on Carcinogenic Azo Dyes. III. Retention of Tritium during Enzymatic Hydroxylation of 3'-Methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (4'-^3H, or 5'-^3H) or Chemical Substitutions of the Related Compound, and the Effect of the Repeated Administration of This