平野 和行 | Gifu College Of Pharmacy
平野 和行
Gifu College Of Pharmacy
杉浦 衛
Gifu College Of Pharmacy
平野 和行
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
足立 哲夫
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
杉浦 衛
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
伊藤 吉将
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
飯泉 祐一
Gifu College of Pharmacy
沢木 [シュン]二
First Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University
飯野 四郎
First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
鈴木 宏
First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
鈴木 宏
織田 敏次
織田 敏次
加藤 憲二
Gifu College of Pharmacy
三木 一正
東邦大学 総合診療消化器内科
三木 一正
三木 一正
東京大学 消化器内科
宮崎 純
三木 一正
First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
宮崎 純
First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
織田 敏次
First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
伊藤 吉将
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
杉浦 衛
森川 正子
森 幸雄
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
豊吉 一美
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
足立 哲夫
森川 正子
Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
坪井 実
河合 聡
森 幸雄
森 幸雄
渡辺 義人
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
豊吉 一美
Adachi Tetsuo
Department Of Pharmaceutics Gifu Pharmaceutical University
Hirano Kazuyuki
Department Of Pharmaceutcs Gifu Pharmaceutical University
Kizu Hiroto
Department Of Radiology Kanazawa University Hospital
小見山 洋一
Gifu College of Pharmacy
山崎 浩史
金沢大学薬学部 薬物代謝化学化学研究室
山崎 浩史
丹羽 俊朗
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
山崎 浩史
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
仁井 裕章
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
織田 敏次
National Medical Center
平野 和行
岩城 正宏
平野 和行
岐阜薬科大学 薬剤学
平野 和行
Department Of Pharmacy Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
小木曽 太郎
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
岩城 正宏
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
沢木 〓二
Forst Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University
杉浦 功人
Fujita Gakuen Health University Hospital
佐々木 正憲
Niigata College Of Pharmacy
森 和美
Gifu College Of Pharmacy
山村 博彦
沢木 〓二
奥村 孝夫
Research Laboratories, Maruko Seiyaku Co., Ltd.,
永井 恒司
Hoshi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
浅野 剛
Research Laboratories, Maruko Seiyaku Co., Ltd.,
豊吉 一美
河合 聡
Gifu College of Pharmacy
大野 武男
Gifu College of Pharmacy
坪井 実
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
伊藤 吉將
Gifu College of Pharmacy
井上 みち子
Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
坪井 実
Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
井上 みち子
平野 和行
岐阜薬科大学 薬剤学教室
大野 武男
浅野 剛
Research Laboratories Maruko Seiyaku Co. Ltd.
坪井 信子
Gifu College of Pharmacy
景山 浩充
Gifu College of Pharmacy
奥村 洋一
Gifu College of Pharmacy
高橋 靖侑
Research Laboratory of Wakamoto Pharmaceutical Company
奥村 孝夫
Research Laboratories Maruko Seiyaku Co. Ltd.
小木曽 太郎
近畿大 薬
三輪 敏紳
Gifu College of Pharmacy
影平 俊介
水野 伴子
伊藤 吉[マサ]
Gifu College of Pharmacy
早川 忍
Gifu College of Pharmacy
- Influence of Microsomal and Cytosolic Fractions from the Liver of 4 Animal Species and Man on the Mutagenicity of Carcinogenic Aminoazo Dyes and Nature of the Mutagenicity-Enhancing Factor in the Cytosol from Rat Liver
- Differential Determination of the Heat-Stable Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Serum
- Characterization of Human Tissue-specific Alkaline Phosphatase
- Purification and Properties of Human Alkaline Phosphatase from Meconium
- Differential Determination of Human Liver and Pancreas Dipeptidase Activities by Using Specific Antibody-Conjugated Paper Disks
- The Immunological Crossreaction between Human α-Fetoprotein and Serum Albumin and Its Relation with the Binding Ability
- Enzyme Immunoassay for the Drug of Anti-ulcer Using Avidin-Biotin System
- Purification and Properties of Oxalate Oxidase from Barley Seedlings
- The Determination of Human Urinary γ-Esterase Activity using Antibody-Conjugated Paper Disk
- A Role of Alkaline Phosphatase in Phosphate Transport
- Gas Chromatography of Urinary Anthranilic Acid and 3-Hydroxyanthranilic Acid by Solvent Extraction Method
- Purification and Some Properties of Kallikreins from Human Urine and Pancreas
- New Procedure for Assay of Lactobacilli using the Luciferin-Luciferase System
- Purification and Properties of Glutathione Peroxidase from Human Liver
- 水蒸気蒸留法による牛乳中γ-BHCのガスクロマトグラフィー
- Studies on Human Urinary and Renal Esterases That Migrate to the γ-Globulin Region upon Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis
- A Simple Purification Procedure for α-Fetoprotein by Immunoadsorbent Column Chromatography
- An Enzymic Method for the Determination of Inorganic Phosphate in Serum
- A New Enzymic Method for the Determination of FAD
- A New Method for the Assay of Xanthine Oxidase Activity
- A New Method for the Assay of Purine Metabolic Enzymes
- Enzymatic Determination of Serum Glucose
- Microassay of Serum Bile Acids by an Enzymatic Cycling Method
- Microassay of Serum Androsterone by an Enzymatic Cycling Method