Metabolic Products of Fungi. XIII. The Structure of Oxyskyrin.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The pigment B, isolated from Penicillium islandicum SOPP, N. R. R. L. 1175,and also found in the mycelium of Endothia parasitica ANDERSON ET ANDERSON, was studied. The pigment B which was named oxyskyrin gave a molecular formula, C_<30>H_<18>O_<11>, and yielded heptaacetate and heptabenzoate. On reductive cleavage with alkaline sodium dithionite, oxyskyrin was decomposed to give emodin and ω-hydroxyemodin. On oxidation with chromium trioxide, oxyskyrin heptaacetate was converted into skyric acid hexaacetate. Consequently, oxyskyrin was formulated as 2,4,5,2', 4', 5'-hexahydroxy-7-methyl-7'-hydroxymethyl-bianthraquinone-(1,1').
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1957-12-20
太田 明広
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo:institute For Physical And Chemical Research
柴田 承二
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
滝戸 道夫
滝戸 道夫
Pharmaceutical Institute College Of Science & Engineering Nihon University
太田 明広
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
黒須 玉
Pharmaceutical Institute, Technological Faculty, Nihon University
黒須 玉
Pharmaceutical Institute Technological Faculty Nihon University
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