大学体育の授業における障害者スポーツの試み : シッティングバレーボールを用いて
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In this study, we had sitting volleyball, mainl3y practiced among handicapped people, actually played by the students at this college, who are non-handicapped, in their physical education classes. The purpose of the study is to see how the students' attitudes toward sports for the handicapped will change, and to find out the difference in attitudes between the students in the social welfare department and those in other departments. The results are as follows: (1) A tendency has been confirmed that the students in the social welfare department show a positive attitude toward sports for the handicapped, while the students in the industry and information department have a negative one. After actually practicing the sport in class, however, the students in the industry and information department turned for the better in their attitudes. (2) The students in the social welfare department, although admitting that sitting volleyball is a difficult event, have found it an amusing sport which they can enjoy playing. As a result, their interest in sitting volleyball has been enhanced. Yet, when it comes to handicapped and non-handicapped people playing it together, there was a decline in their willingness to play, which was strong before. The students in the industry and information department, it has been observed, have developed a positive attitude that sitting volleyball is an exiting sport which they can willingly play with all their might and heart. However, as to whether it contributes to building a closer relationship among the players, they showed a decline in thier attitude. (3) The students in the social welfare department evaluated sitting volleyball from four viewpoints: empirical evalution, subjective evaluation, objective evaluation, interests and concerns. The students in the industry and information department, on the other hand, made no such distinction as to viewpoints in evaluation. From the findings mentioned above, we can say that it is important to be more familiar with sports for the handicapped by actually playing them, if we are to raise the people's consciousness of sports for the handicapped; though there does exist a difference in attitudes toward sitting volleyball, as one of the sports for the handicapped, between the students who wish to seek occupation in social welfare and those who do not. We were also able to find that college physical education class can be effectively put to good use to that end.
- 1999-03-25
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