児童におけるスポーツ競技の分析(5) : バレーボールのスカウティングによる勝利獲得の事例研究(産業社会学部)
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In this study, it has been examined by analyzing actual matches whether or not scouting is effective at the level of schoolchildren. The results are as follows: (1) Finding the features of performance By analyzing data for practice matches, the following features of performance have been confirmed. (1)The successful spike rate for Team W drops when Team N returns the ball in the direction of the right side. Furthermore, Player A, a very good spiker for Team W, has distinctive features about the spikes. (2)Points won for Team W are mainly due to receiving errors of Team N. (3)Points won for Team N are mainly due to successful spikes. (2) Implementing game plans Based on the findings, the following game plans were implemented to win a victory in a competition. (1)Services as well as spikes and easy returns to Team W should focus on the right side in order to lower the successful spike rate. (2)Players in Team N should find out the spiking features of Player A in Team W and prepare for receiving in order to lower the successful spike rate. (3)As for keeping and returning the ball, players in Team N should move with nimble footwork and avoid receiving errors. (4)Spikes of Team N should focus on the right side in order to raise the successful spike rate. The game plans worked well and were clearly reflected in the data for the matches in the competition. Team N, with the help of scouting, were able to recover from the defeat in practice matches and gained a victory in the competition. From these findings, the effects of scouting have been verified also at the level of schoolchildren. Therefore, it can be concluded that team performance can be enhanced by showing objective data to children.
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- 児童におけるスポーツ競技の分析(5) : バレーボールのスカウティングによる勝利獲得の事例研究(産業社会学部)
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