児童におけるスポーツ競技の分析 : バレーボール全国大会女子の傾向調査
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In this research, we have evaluated each play of the top-level primary school girls and gained fundamental materials by clarifying concrete phenomena based on the findings. The following is the summary. 1. The difference in service-point rate was related to whether a set was wor or lost. Seavice-error rate was high in sets lost. 2. Successful-spike rate didn't affect whether a set was won or lost. 3. Spike-appearance rate (frequency of a ball being returned with a spike) tended to be high in sets won. 4. When receiving a ball, decreasing service-points and improving ball-returning rete A was found to lead to a set won. The offence from receiving a service was found ineffective. Therefore, in the tossup befor a set, service should be chosen. 5. Declined ball-receiving rate was shown to lead to low successful-spike rate and a set lost. 6. No difference was observed, under the same post-setup ciecumstances, between the successful-spike rate of a set won and that of a set lost. However, setup A was found to be better than setup B in enhancing a successful-spike rate. 7. It was found that a high percentage of the third tempo offence from the left side, and a good spiker in one team would raise the team to the top standard. 8. It was indicated that a high ratio of block-points and service-points would lead to a set won. The ratio of each play that won points in a set won was evaluated.
- 2002-03-25
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