Bombus ignitus Smith の巣
- 論文の詳細を見る
After the emergence of males and new females, observed nest of Bombus (Pratobombus) ignitus Smith was excavated on September 6 and 13, 1959. In this paper are given some informations on the nest and its inhabitants. The nest contents are shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3. The nest was typical subterranean type. The wax envelope was not recognized on the entire surface of the comb. The cell group was arranged alternately. The color of bee wax was dark brown which is similar to it of Bombus ardens Smith. Many commensals and parasites were found in the nest. Especially, many larvae of Tinea simplicella Herrich-Schaffer, destroyer of the nest, were going on well in the nest. But a braconid parasite, Apanteles sp. (A), was confirmed by an experiment as a natural enemy of Tinea simplicella.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1963-02-28
- ジャガイモ葉巻病ウイルスの虫媒伝染に関する知見
- ムギ萎縮病感染植物におけるX体の発現時期,乾燥貯蔵病土の病原性維持,および薬剤による防除
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- トウガラシのウイルス病について(第1報)
- Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans Smith の訪花性 : 日本産花蜂の生態学的研究 XXIII
- Ceratina japonica Cockerell の訪花性 : 日本産花蜂の生態学的研究 XXIV
- Bombus ignitus Smith の生態
- Bombus ignitus Smith の巣
- Megachile属花蜂類の訪花性 : 日本産花蜂の生態学的研究 XX
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