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Demands for larger capacity transmission in access networks, such as computer networks and subscriber loops, are growing rapidly. Therefore, optical transmission technologies for access networks have recently attracted a great deal of attention. In such applications, the factors that affect optical technologies are quite different from those affecting high-bit-rate trunk-line systems. At present, the key issues are wide temperature-range (WTR) operation, low power consumption, mass productivity, and low cost. Optical device technologies may have to be developed specifically for this area of application to satisfy such requirements. Semiconductor lasers, used as light sources in optical transmission, are a key component in this field. Issues concerning the application of semiconductor lasers to access networks are as follows: 1) Power consumption should be minimized and operation without bias DC bias is preferable. Therefore, low threshold current semiconductor lasers are needed. 2) Laser operation without thermoelectric cooler and temperature controlling circuits is preferable to permit low power operation and low-cost packaging. Therefore, operation in a WTR from-40°C to 85°C is required. 3) To realize low-cost packages, the alignment of lasers and fibers is a key process. To achieve sufficient coupling without active alignment, the beam divergence of laser should be decreased. 4)To satisfy the demands for large-volume low-cost production of lasers, technologies for mass production and automated packaging, should be developed. In this paper, the present status and future prospects of technologies aimed at meeting these needs are reviewed.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-09-18
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