The Histochemistry and Fine Structure of Filiform Papillae in the Rat Tongue
- 論文の詳細を見る
Development of the giant filiform papillae and the histochemistry of the epithelial surface of the simple conical filiform papillae in young and adult rats were examined by SEM and EDX. The tips of the giant filiform papillae in young rats were not well differentiated while those in adult rats were hornified. X-ray microanalysis of the middle part of the simple conical filiform papilla in the adult rat revealed the presence of P, S, CI, K and Ca, with the highest concentration among these elements detected being sulfur(S). From the surface analysis of the simple conical filiform papillae and the fungiform papilla, sulfur(S)Kα was detected more clearly in the simple conical filiform papillae than in the fungiform papilla and was not detected on the interpapillary field. Since the hard keratin in the concave side of the filiform papilla consists of high sulfydryl groups, the sulfur(S)-Kα detected may be related to keratin of the epithelium in the simple conical filiform papilla.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1980-03-25
Shimizu Toshiaki
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry The University Of Tsukuba
Wada Masao
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry The University Of Tsukuba
Wada Masao
Institute For Biological Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Kusano Tyuzi
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry The University Of Tsukuba
Hara Kou-ichi
Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, The University of Tsukuba
Hara Kou-ichi
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry The University Of Tsukuba
SHIMIZU Toshiaki
Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, The University of Tsukuba
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