Regulation of Food Intake in the Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora BOISDUVAL (Lepidoptera, Pieridae)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Inactivation of chemoreceptors on the terminal tip of the proboscis by the chemical treatment with HgCl_2 in the female cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora, did not affect a rate of proboscis extension reflex but prevented the ingestion of sugar solution. Inactivation of the tarsal chemoreceptors by the chemical treatment with HgCl_2 or by covering with paraffin wax did not affect both proboscis extending time or the volume ingested of sugar solution. When the abdomen of the butterfly was amputated after the chemical treatment of the tarsi, the insect exhibited hyperphagia for sugar solution but the degree of hyperphagia was less than or as great as that of similarly operated butterflies when tarsi had not been chemically treated. These results indicate that inputs from the tarsal chemoreceptors were affected by inhibitory inputs from abdomen. When the abdomen of the butterfly was amputated after satiation with sugar solution, hyperphagia for the same sugar solution was induced but the degree of the hyperphagia was less than that of the operated butterfly which had not previously been satiated with the same sugar solution. Transection of all abdominal nerves posterior to the thoracic ganglion caused a hyperphagia for sugar solution. These results indicate that inputs to central nervous system via the abdominal nerve have inhibitory effects on feeding activity. Based on these results and findings obtained in earlier researches, mechanisms for regulation of feeding in the cabbage butterfly are discussed.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1990-03-25
草野 忠治
Arai Junichi
Department Of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Arai Junichi
Department Of Applied Entomology Tottori University
Kusano T
Univ. Tsukuba Ibaraki Jpn
草野 忠治
Kusano Tyuzi
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry The University Of Tsukuba
Kusano Tyuzi
Tropical Rat Control Committee Overseas Agricultural Development Association
Kusano Tyuzi
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry University Of Tsukuba
Kusano T
University Of Tsukuba
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