Multiple DmB1C/DmB1M Coding Scheme for High-Speed Optical Multiplex Transmission
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This paper describes a new multiple DmB1C (Differential m Binary 1 Complement insertion) /DmB1M (Differential m Binary with 1 Mark insertion) coding scheme for high-speed optical multiplex transmission. The coding scheme has the characteristics of small consecutive identical digits and a good balance between marks and spaces. Furthermore, it has also good synchronization characteristics and higher flexibility for extension to high capacity transmission than the conventional mB1C or DmB1M coding schemes. We describe a design methodology for a multiplex transmission system using the proposed coding scheme, and verify the characteristics of the proposed coding scheme using an experimental setup of a 2.8Gbit/s serial optical interconnection circuit, which has 16 parallel 156Mbit/s inputs. The coding scheme realizes transmission systems with simple analog circuit configuration, and small digital circuit complexity with wide dynamic range and good mark ratio tolerance.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1997-08-25
Uematsu Yoshihiko
Ntt Optical Network Systems Laboratories
NTT System Electronics Laboratories
NTT Optical Network Systems Laboratories
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yamabayashi Yoshiaki
Ntt Optical Network Systems Labaratories
Kobayashi Yukio
Mitsubishi Electric Corperation
Murata Koichi
Ntt Photonics Laboratories
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