胚芽精米の炊飯特性に関する研究(第1報) : 物理化学的特性と食味について
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The aim of this study is to estimate the difference of the palatability of cooked polish rice and germ rice. The estimation is based on both the physicochemical characteristics such as color of surface, texture, gelatinization and flavor, and the result of sensory test. The results were as follows:(1) The surface color of the germ rice showed deep yellow color, and the evaluation of the appearance was lower.(2) The viscosity of the germ rice was a little lower than that of the polished rice. Compared with the rice cooked with the same amount of water, the hardness of germ rice was higher than that of the polished rice.(3) The cooked germ rice had more flavor than the cooked polish rice, and the vapor of the germ rice contained more toluene, hexanal, heptanal and 1-hexanol than that of the polished rice.(4) The result of the sensory test showed that the total quality of the freshly cooked germ rice and that of the polished rice were about the same. But after 1-hr storage, the quality of the polished rice was higher than that of the germ rice.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1992-05-15
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