- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate whether the critical band concept can be applied to the problem of temporary threshold shift (TTS) , three experiments (I, II, III) were carried out using five subjects with normal hearing acuity. In experiment I, thirteen high pass and thirteen low pass noises obtained by filtering white noise were used. The cut-off frequency of these noises are shown in Fig. 1. They were at intervals of 1/6 octave. The over-all SPL of white noise was 95dB. Durations of exposure were 5, 15, 35 and 55 minutes, and post-exposure threshold measurements at 3, 4, 6 and 8kc were made whithin 3 minutes after cessation of exposure. Fig. 2 shows the results of experiment. TTS due to low pass and high pass noises increased to a certin value as the bandwidth became larger, but when it reached to this limiting value, it remained constant regardless of the bandwidth of exposure noise. It may be concluded from this fact that only those components of the noise which are included in limited frequency regions are effective and that the components beyond this regions are ineffective in TTS. This is in agreement with the basic notion of the critical band. In experiment III, twelve exposure noises having linear spectrum were used (Table 1). The spectra of these noises are given in Fig. 3. TTS at nine frequencies from 0. 5kc to 8kc were measured within about 6 minutes after cessation of 20 minutes' exposure. Fig. 4 shows the TTS due to exposure to these noises at a level of 100dB. As a whole, 0dB/oct noise was most effective and -6dB/oct noise least effective. But TTS at frequencies below 2kc were not noticeable in all cases. In experiment III, four 1/6 octave-band noises (2240-2500cps, 2800-3150cps, 4500-5000cps, 5600-6300cps) whose spectrum level are equal to that of 0dB/oct noise at 100dB were used. Test frequencies and exposure time were the same as in experiment II. Fig. 5 indicates the results of this experiment. The maximum effects were found at 3, 4, 6 and 8kc respectively for the exposure noise 2240-2500cps, 2800-3150cps, 4500-5000cps, and 5600-6300cps. Using the data obtained from experiment II and III, the center frequency and width of the critical band were estimated by the following method. 1) Estimation of the center frequency of the critical band. The basic assumption is that TTS at frequency F is expressed as TTS_F=aX+b. . . . . . . . . . (1) a, b: Constants that depend on exposure time, test frequency, and the time when TTS is measured. X: Critical band level and is expressed as X=S(F_c)+10log_<10>⊿f. . . . . . . . . . (2) S(f_c): Spectrum level at the center frequency of the critical band f_c: Center frequency of the critical band ⊿f: Critical bandwidth When the spectrum of noise is a linear function of log_2f, S(fc)=αlog_2f_c+β. . . . . . . . . . (3) α: Spectrum slope (dB/oct) β: intercept (dB) From Equations (1), (2) and (3), TTS_F=a(αlog_2f_c+β-L). . . . . . . . . . (4) where L≡-(10log_<10>⊿f+b/a) Equation (4) means that TTS becomes a linear function of the spectrum level at the center frequency of the critical band. Using the data of experiment II, the value of a, f_c, and L were calculated for 3, 4, 6 and 8kc by the following least squre method. ⊿=Σ{y_i-a(α_ilog_2f_c+β_i-L)}^2 ∂⊿/(∂a)=0, ∂⊿/(∂f_c)=0, ∂⊿/(∂L)=0 where y_i is TTS produced by noise whose spectrum is α_ilog_2f+β_i. The results are shown in Fig. 6. From these figures, it is noticed that TTS is expressed as a linear function of spectrum level at the center frequency of the critical band. Center frequencies are about one-third to two-third octave below test frequencies. 2) Estimation of the critical bandwidth. Let the TTS at certin frequency produced by wide-band noise (I) in Fig. 7 be Y, and the TTS by narrow-band noise (II) whose cut-off frequencies are included in the critical band be y, then Y=a(S_1+10log_<10>⊿f)+b y=a(S_2+10log_<10>⊿F)+b S_1: Spectrum level of Noise
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1966-11-30
高木 興一
山本 剛夫
山本 剛夫
庄司 光
高木 興一
山本 剛夫
- 嘉手納・普天間飛行場周辺における航空機騒音曝露の現状
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- ヘリコプター騒音のL_の簡易予測方法
- 娯楽関連音による聴力への影響
- インターチェンジ周辺にも適用可能な道路騒音の予測式 : ユニットパターンからL_<50>を求める方法
- 24時間白色騒音暴露による聴力の一過性域値移動
- 騒音のレベル変化量が聴覚誘発緩反応に与える影響
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- 航空機騒音曝露が幼児問題行動に及ぼす影響 : 嘉手納・普天間飛行場周辺における調査結果
- 学童の記憶力に及ぼす航空機騒音の影響
- 航空機騒音の健康影響に関する疫学調査 : 沖縄県調査の概要
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- IV 道路交通騒音予測における伝搬計算方法 (道路騒音の予測 : 道路一般部を対象としたエネルギーベース騒音予測法 : (日本音響学会道路交通騒音調査研究委員会報告))
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- 187. 産業騒音の防止と難聴予防に関する研究 (第1報) (振動騒音)
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- 線音源等間隔モデルについての考察
- 座長のまとめ (176〜178) (騒音)
- 座長のまとめ (175〜177) (騒音)
- 座長のまとめ (70〜72) (騒音)
- 騒音公害 (国際環境保全科学会議での日本事情報告)
- TTS_tからTTS_2への変換
- 変動騒音によるTTSの研究
- 断続騒音暴露によるTTSの研究 : (II) TTSとon fractionおよびduty cycleの関係
- 衝撃騒音の許容基準の簡便化
- 特殊空港周辺のWECPNLの算出方法に関する一考察
- 特殊空港周辺における航空機騒音の評価方法に関する検討
- 騒音受傷性と耳小骨筋反射
- 耳小骨筋反射の内耳保護作用としての意義について
- 耳小骨筋反射の大きさ, 域値並びに潜時に関する研究
- 騒音のうるささに及ぼす継続時間の効果
- 低レベル長時間騒音暴露に適用可能なTTSの実験式について
- 自由音場と拡散音場における騒音暴露によるTTSの比較
- 耳栓のしゃ音性能の簡易測定法
- 街頭騒音とくに交通騒音に関する研究 : 第1報 車種別騒音の特性と交通騒音の距離による減衰
- TTSにおける臨界帯域の研究
- オクターブバンド騒音によるTTSの研究
- 生活環境音を用いた大きさ・うるささ・不快感の評定実験
- 教室内における採光および照明に関する実態調査
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- し尿の臭気成分ならびに消化ガスの測定
- 自動車排気による大気汚染の研究 : 無負荷時のC1∼C6炭化水素ならびに無機ガスの測定
- 変動騒音のうるささ : 騒音レベルの標準偏差と変動周波数の影響
- 信号機周辺における道路騒音の簡易予測手法と実験的検討 : 信号機下流域, 道路端での予測
- 暴露エネルギーの等しい断続騒音による一過性域値上昇
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- 騒音のうるささに及ぼす立上がり速度の効果
- 環境基準を考える
- 変動騒音のうるささ : L_<eq>の妥当性について
- ガスクロマトグラフ法によるラッカーシンナーの分析
- 過剰減衰を考慮しうる道路騒音のL_50の予測方法
- 自動車騒音の伝搬特性を計算する際の周波数間隔に関する一考察
- 関西の騒音問題 (<小特集>関西支部創立50周年記念)
- L_<eq> から見た騒音評価 (<騒音特集号>)
- 単位と用語に関する前川教授の提案に対する私の意見
- 騒音の評価法(騒音・振動)