各種動物の口腔組織神経分布に関する研究 : (その III)家兎、モルモツト、白鼠、二十日鼠の歯牙内神経について
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Continued to the previous works, efforts have been devoted to shed light on the detailed innervation in the teeth of the rodent, especially of rabbits, guinea pigs, albino rats and mice, and the following results were obtained. 1) Although minor difference was observed to exist between each animal in the mode of nerve distribution within the pulp of incisor teeth, the running courses of the nerve coincided within the animals in that they all run in parallel with the long axis of the tooth, several fibers being present in each tooth. 2) The molar teeth of the rabbit had relatively abundant supply of nerve fibers, whereas those in the guinea pig had extremely small number of nerve fibers. The running course and the mode of distribution of the nerve fibers in the molar teeth, hewever, are similar with those of the nerve fibers in the incisor teeth. 3) In albino rats and mice, the nerve fibers in the pulp of molar tooth make way into the tooth through the apical foramen in the form of single bundle which subsequently branches numerously at the crown part of the tooth in fan-like shape. 4) In albino rats and mice, the unmyelinated nerve fibers are relatively abundantly found in the vicinity of the pulp horn in the molar tooth, but they are very few in the other part of the pulp. 5) All the unmyelinated nerve fibers found in the pulp of each tooth have free endings with their tips tepering sharply. 6) The nerve fibers in the vicinity of the enamel organ are barely perceptible, if present. 7) In conclusion, the nerve fibers in the tooth pulp of rodents are characterized by the scanty distribution as well as by the simplicity of their running course. It must be also added that the presence of nerve fibers was not confirmed in the dentine at all.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
北村 勝也
上野 正康
伊高 三千男
別府 正敏
別府 正敏
伊高 三千男
上野 正康
北村 勝也
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