各種動物の口腔組織神経分布に関する研究 : (その I)味蕾と神経のつながりについて
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Although histological studies on the nerves distributing into the taste buds of the tongue are rather numerous, hardly any study is so far available which is concerned to the knowledge of the relation between the taste buds and the nerves in their genetic phases. Continued from the previous study on the taste buds in which it was confirmed that the earliest appearing cells in the developing taste buds were nothing but the metamorphoses of base cells in the papilla's epithelium, it was undertaken in the present study to follow up in detail the correlation existing between the development of this specific cells and the endings of the taste nerves. The summary of the study is as follows. 1) In the vallate papillae of 17days rat's embrio, the nerve's invasion into the epithelium does not yet take place and hence the anlage (the initial cell) of the taste bud also is not found there. 2) By 21days of the embrio and by the 1st day of its birth, the invasion of the peripheral nerve's ends into the layer of epithelial base-cells takes place in diversified manners permitting to be classified grossly into 3. 3) By the time when the peripheral taste nerve's ends invade into the epithelial layer, appearance of the taste bud's anlages in the base-cells of the epithelia covering papilla's lateral wall and its opposite wall of the circular trough is observed. However, this contact of the taste nerve with the epithelium does not always lead to appearance of the anlages, because some are left to exist as the socalled intergemmal nerve fibers. 4) Two phases have been discriminated of the never's courses contacting the bud's anlages. 5) In the earliest period of the buds, the nerves reaching the base of the buds are simple and slightly meandering, but on developing further, they become compact and cluster-like, and as if to embrace the bud, they extend some end branches toward the peripheral margin and into the interior of the bud. In summary it has been confirmed in this study that the development of the taste bud could be attained only by means of contact of the taste nerve with the layer of epithelial base-cells.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1958-03-31
北村 勝也
上野 正康
岩崎 庄市
向坊 茂義
堂園 桂二
上野 正康
堂園 桂二
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