ホンドタヌキ (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus T.) の横口蓋ヒダの形態学的研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
The transverse palatine ridges of 83 racoon dogs, a carnivora, were observed with use of plaster impression models of the palate. The results were as follows : Measurements of the palate : 1. The upper anterior palate width was 16.3mm, a maximum palate width 35.5mm, the width between the right and left first molars 16.6mm, and the width between the right and left second molars 17.7mm. 2. The length of palate, that is, the distance between the orale and the intersecting point of the median line and the line between the lingual projecting points of the right and left second molars, was 52.0mm. Form of the ridge : 1. On the number of ridges, eight ridges were recognized in 2 cases, nine ridges in 57 cases, and ten ridges in 24 cases. 2. Till the sixth ridge or so, the ridges showed a symmetrical and continuous form. 3. The ridges after the seventh in most cases were broken in continuity at the median line but were symmetrical. The more posteriorly the ridges were positioned, asymmetrical ridges tended to increase in number. 4. Dotted-line or broken-line ridges were observed in 37 cases. These ridges appeared mostly between the eighth and ninth and between the ninth and tenth ridges. 5. The most posterior ridge was positioned in the vicinity of the distal side of the first molar. 6. The form of the ridges as a whole was as follows : the more anteriorly the ridges were positioned, the more projecting they were. The more posteriorly they were positioned, the less in projection the ridges became, showed gradually two-arc patterns, and changed into the type with the ridge broken at the median line.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1980-07-25
山本 勉
九歯大 口解1
原田 吉通
吉村 和夫
九歯大 口解1
井本 広麿
秋山 治夫
菅野 明
吉村 和夫
山本 勉
秋山 治夫
九歯大 口解1
井本 廣麿
原田 吉通
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