二根性下顎犬歯の 13 例
- 論文の詳細を見る
The two-rooted mandibular canines were found in 13 cases among specimens of extracted human canine teeth as collected in the laboratory of Oral Anatomy, Kyushu Dental College. Findings observed were summarized as follows. 1) The two-rooted mandibuar canines of man were found in thirteen cases, seven right, six left among a total of 4364 specimens. 2) The frequency was 0.29 percent, there was not clearely opposed to the hypothesis of independence in exhibition of right and left by chi-square test. 3) These roots were bifurcated in labial and lingual side. 4) The two-rooted canines almost revealed a bifurcation in the middle of root. 5) Comparing with the measured values between the two-rooted canines and the single-rooted canines, the former were smaller than the latter in length of root, mesio-distal diameter of crown and labio-lingual diameter of crown, above all, the most difference in length of root. 6) By T-test, labial roots of the two-rooted mandibular canines were greater than lingual root in comparison between mesio-distal diameter in bifurcated point.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1975-03-31
池田 秀雄
池田 廣重
井本 廣麿
福谷 敞
井本 広麿
井本 廣麿
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- 二根性下顎犬歯の 13 例
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