水底火山活動でのマグマの破砕プロセス : 京都府丹後半島新第三系北但層群の例
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The Neogene Hokutan Group irl the Tanngo Pc'nlnsula is mainl) composed of various kinds of hydrovolcanic products. The Amino Formation and Tango Forrnatlon in the Hokutan Grourp consist of intermediate to felsic subaqueous lave fio,vs. subaqueous pyrcclastic fiow deposits, phreatomagnatic falio'Jt deposits. base surge depos_its. and shallow intrLlsive bodles accompan_ied with I)ep erites. Shape analysls of grains within thin sections are preser,ted for various kir^ds of h\'drovol~-allic rocks in the Amino Formation and Tango Formation. Morphometrlc parameters used in this paper are as follows: (1) relative percentage of planer (P). convex (V). and concave (C) peri-meters of a grain ("roundness" according to SZADICZK\'-KARDOSS (1933)); (2) shape parameter defined by Pe , where Pe is the perimeter of a grain. S is the area of a graln. as a quanti-tati\'e indicator for the shape irregularity of grains: (3) fractal dimension estimated by -(log N) (log r). where N is the number of segments for the perimeter of a grain, r is the length of a segment. as a quantitative indicator for the surface irregulatiry of grains. Results of the shape analysis distinguish the following three processes of fragmentation: (1) brlttle fracturing of solid magma; (2) vesiculatlon caused b},' expanslon of magmatic gas: (3) fragmentation of liquid magma caused by a fuel-coolant interaction (FCI). The self-triggering FCls do not occur between ascending magma and pore water of host material, such as wet sedlments and wet volcaniclastics filling the vent. Therefore, it is necessar\' that the surfaces of magma are enough disintegrated by other triggering agents. Trlggering agents for the formation of peperites by FCls were stream explosions caused by mixing \~,'et host materials and magma due to fiuid instability or vesiculatlon caused by expansion of magma-tic gas. Triggerlng agents of FCls are suppressed by higher viscosity of magma or a larger amount of hot magmatlc gas.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本火山学会の論文
- 1987-04-30
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- 水底火山活動でのマグマの破砕プロセス : 京都府丹後半島新第三系北但層群の例