オブジェクト指向言語CDB : 設計方針と言語仕様
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The popularity of C-based object-oriented programming(OOP) has grown in recent years. In particular, C++ is rapidly gaining acceptance by a large number of users.As these users accumulate experience, they have found certain common problems, which can be summarized as follows:・Iniracieble run-time errors. Major sources are type misinterpretation, illegal pointer dereferencing, and failure of storage management. The errors usually result in a segmentation fault, and disable even a debugger.・Long recompilalion time. More often, a slight mod ification to a source code causes a massive recompilation.・Limiled modularily and reusabilily.COB (C with OBjects) is a new object-oriented language, upward compatible with C, that is being devel oped at IBM's Tokyo Research Laboratory. The lan guage attempts to address the above problems by putting as much emphasis on facilitating programming activities as on the quality of the final object code. In particular,the following design goals have been set up.・Decreasing the number of error sources by providing safe language constructs and garbage collection.・Increasing the modularity of program components.・Maintaining compatibility with C.・Recovering good run-time performance by extesive optimizations in a completed program.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1990-09-04
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- 静的解析によるメソッド探索の高速化
- メソッドの仮翻訳によるオブジェクト指向言語の最適化
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- 5. 保守的ごみ集め (<特集> ごみ集めの基礎と最近の動向)
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- オブジェクト指向データベースにおけるC++プログラム情報の表現と蓄積
- Tools Pacific '90に参加して
- オブジェクト指向言語COB : インプリメンテーション
- オブジェクト指向言語CDB : 設計方針と言語仕様
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