醤油醸造に関与する耐塩性乳酸菌に関する研究 : (第2報)Tetracoccus No. 100の耐塩性に対するL-Prolineの効果
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In the previous paper, Tetracoccus No.100,a halotolerant lactic acid bacterium isolated from both soy koji and soy mash, was studied taxonomically. Further studies revealed some characteristic effects of L-proline on the halotolerance of this bacterium. The results obtained are summarized as follows : (1) Among various amino acids, nucleic acid bases and vitamins tested, only L-proline facilitated the halotolerance of Tetracoccus No. 100.(2) The intracellular free proline pool of cells grown on an L-proline-enriched hypertonic saline medium was markedly larger than that of normally grown cells, whereas no significant difference was found between their cell-bound proline contents.(3) Regardless of L-proline added to the culture medium, cells grown on a hypertonic saline medium contained about 1.0 M NaCl in their cell sap. The intracellular NaCl concentration in the cells grown on an ordinary medium was.0.4 M.(4) The deterioration of lactic acid fermentation caused by a high concentration of salt was partly restored by the presence of L-proline.(5) By the addition of an adequate amount of L-proline to the hypertonic saline medium, the organism acquired halotolerant properties for its respiration and fermentation.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1971-04-25
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