ビタミンB_<12>およびメチオニン要求性変異株Escherichia coli 215接種菌液の貯蔵安定性
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The inoculums of Escherichia coli 215, a vitamin B_<12> methionine auxotroph, were stored under given temperatures (-80°, -20°, 4°, 15°, 37℃) and concentrations of glycerol (0, 10, 25, 50%). E. coli cells capable of being used as inoculums after one month storage were as follows : all the cells stored at -80℃, cells stored in 10 and 25% glycerol at -20℃ and stored without glycerol at 15℃. Glycerol gave a harmful effect on E. coli cells stored at the temperature above zero or stored in 50% glycerol at -20℃. The cells stored above 4℃ died in the order of higher concentration of glycerol. Achievement of stable storage of E. coli inoculum for one month will lead to the simplification of microbiological determination of B_12 with E_coli.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1991-08-25
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- ビタミンB_およびメチオニン要求性変異株Escherichia coli 215接種菌液の貯蔵安定性
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