スギ幼齢木の形質に及ぼす斜植え, 施肥, 雪起こしの影響
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Basal bending and characteristics in young sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. DON) induced by inclined planting, fertilization, and straightening stems prostrated by snow, and the role of these treatments in preventing basal bending of the stems above the ground surface were studied Eight sub-plots were established for testing these tree treatments singly or in combinations. The influence of each treatment on the stem form, the formation of reaction-wood, leaf-production, root form, and growth was measured in two-yearold trees. The results were as follows. (1) There was little effect by these treatments in reducing basal bending, but there was interaction of slant planting and fertilization on the straightening of bending stems. (2) With slant planting the bend formed in part of the stem and the roots, which are hard to damage when stems are prostrated by snow became deformed. (3) Fertilization accelerated the growth of the trees and increased stem weight when it was combined with slant planting. (4) Tying up a prostrated stem with rope after straightening it (roping) in early spring decreased the production of reaction-wood and increased the production of new leaves.
- 日本森林学会の論文
- 1986-08-25
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