ラッキョウの白色(しろいろ)疫病(新称)を原因する Phytophthora porri Foisterについて
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The bulb rot and leaf b1ight of sca11ion, Allium bakeri Regel, is one of the most serious problems in sca11ion cultivation in Fukui and Kyoto Prefectures, as it occurs in many placcs, especia11y in the season of low temperature, between September and April. The causal fungus was identified as a soi1 fungus, Phytophthora porri Foister, which is known as leek fungus in England and Ho11and. This fungus causes the white tip of the leaf, 1eaf b1ight, bulb rot and root rot of sca11ion in the field and storage. Bacteria and Fusaria, which had already been reported by some investigators as the causal microorganisms of the bulb rot of sca11ion in storage, seemed to be of secondary importance in most cases. In the field, the disease occurs with the appearance of white tip or b1ight of leaves after the rains in mid-autumn. The symptom is then extended to the bulb and root, resulting in the soft rot of the bulb. Direct infection of bulb and root is also frequently observed in the field, which is directly responsible for the patches often observed in sca11ion fields. Sporangia of this fungus are formed in abundance when the diseased leaves are either kept wet by rain or dew or dipped in water. The sporangia are 1ong e1lipsoid or obpyriform in shape, and mostly 24.7-57.7×16.6-39.2μ (36.5×25.2μ on the average) in size. Sexua1 organs are produced abundantly in unpaired cultures on agar media. Antheridia are mostly paragynous and rarely amphigynous. Oospores are spherical, ye11owish brown, and 18.0-36.7μ (29.3μontheaverage) in size. No chlamydospore is observed. The fungus is capable of growing in the temperature range of O-27℃, the optimum being in the range of 15-20℃. The host range of this fungus was found to be as follows: sca11ion (Allium bakeri Regel), Welsh onion, onion, gynmight (Allium tuberosum Rattler), gar1ic, and wild rocambo1e (Al1ium nipponicum Franch. et Sav. ).
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1969-01-25
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- 疫病菌の軟化酵素について : 1. Phytophthora capsiciの分泌する軟化酵素の特性
- 疫病菌と他微生物との相互作用に関する研究 : (3) Phytophthora capsici Leon.の菌糸に対する細菌の随伴現象
- 植物疫病菌に関する研究
- Phytophthora capsici LEONIAN 菌游走子嚢の発芽生理に関する研究 (1)
- (26) Phytophthora capsici LEON. 菌の寄主体侵入 (昭和35年度地域部会講演要旨(関西部会)
- Phytophthora capsici LEONIAN 菌の寄主体侵入(農学部門)
- (65) アカヤジオウ疫病(新称)について (昭和52年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- (152) 拮抗細菌によるタラノキ立枯疫病防除の圃場試験 (平成元年度日本植物病理学大会講演要旨)
- (77) 位相差顕微鏡下に於ける Phytophthora capsici Leon. 菌游走子の鞭毛 (昭和31年度大会)
- 位相差顕微鏡下に於ける Phytophthora capsici Leonian 菌游走子の鞭毛
- キュウリ灰色疫病菌の生物的防除用細菌 Serratia marcescens F-1-1株の抗菌性赤色色素の同定および同物質の各種植物病原菌に対する抗菌活性
- Serratia marcescens F-1-1によるキュウリ灰色疫病菌 Phytophthora capsiciの生物的防除およびトランスポゾン挿入変異株によるその防除機構の解析
- ラッキョウ乾腐病とその病原菌Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. sp. allii n. f.
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- Phytophthora capsici Leonian 菌の由游走子のう発芽の二型と核現象
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- (116) 細菌が, キュウリ灰色疫病の発生に及ぼす影響 (昭和60年度 日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
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- (32) ラッキョウ白色疫病の防除法 (関西部会講演要旨)
- ラッキョウの白色(しろいろ)疫病(新称)を原因する Phytophthora porri Foisterについて
- (28) Phytophthora菌によるラッキョウの腐敗 第1報 : 病原菌の形態, 生理的性質 (関西部会)
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- (32) Phytophthora sp.によるオウレン(Coptis japonica)の疫病(新称) (昭和53年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- (8) オウレンに発生したうどんこ病 (昭和52年度地域部会講演要旨(関西部会))
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- (89) イネ白葉枯病に関する研究 : イネ葉上細菌の影響 (昭和45年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
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- (3) ラッキョウ腐敗病に関する新知見 (菌類病(昭和41年度日本植物病理学会))