<Originals>Relationships Among Muscle Oxygenation, Blood Lactate Concentration, and Substrate Utilization During Prolonged Exercise Below Anaerobic Threshold
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MIMURA, T., TANAKA, S., ISHIHARA, K., WADAZUMI, T., MIYAMOTO, T., FUJIWARA, H. and FUJIMOTO, S., Relationships Among Muscle Oxygenation, Blood Lactate Concentration, and Substrate Utilization During Prolonged Exercise Below Anaerobic Threshold. Abv. Exerc. Sports Physiol., Vol.9, No.4 pp.111-117, 2003. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among muscle oxygenation level measured by a near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), blood lactate concentraion (La) and substrate utilization durling a prolonged 60-min steady-state exercise below the anaerobic threshold (AT). Ten healthy adult subjects (3 males and 7 females) completed an orientation trial, a miximal exercise test, and a submaximal exercise for 60 min. The oxygenated hemoglobin and myoglobin saturation (muscle oxygenation level) measured by NIRS was recorded cintinuously throughout the tests. The probe was located on the vastus lateralis muscle, At 30 min after exercise, the calbration of NIRS was performed by the cuff occlusion at 260 mmHg for 10 min. The relative change in muscle oxygenation level was estimated by regarding muscle oxygenation level in the resting condition as 0% and that obtained during thigh occlusion as - 100%. Oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), minute ventilation (VE), respiratory exchange raito (RER), heart rate (HR) and La were measured at rest and during exercise. Muscle oxygenation level decreased immediately after the onset of exercise and gradually increased from -24.2±10.8% at 5 min to -3.3±11.8% at 60 min. From 10 to 60 min, muscle oxygenation level increased by 11.6±3.9% with a signigicant increase in total hemoglobin. Muscle oxygenation level indicated the balance between oxygen delivery and oxygenation level during the prolonged cycle exercise may be affected by more increase in O2 delivery to exercising muscles than O2 utilizaion. From 10 to 60 min, La and RER significantly decreased while the muscle oxygenation level increased. Therefore, Change in muscle oxygenation level between 10 and 60 min was correlated with both△La (r=-0.66, P<0.05) and △RER (r=-0.71, P<0.05). These results indicated that increase in muscle oxygenation level might facilitate blood lactate disposal and fat oxidation during the prolonged exercise below AT.
- 日本運動生理学会の論文
宮本 忠吉
Mimura Tatsuya
大阪市立大学 生活科学研究
Mimura T
Department Of Sports Medicine Osaka City University Graduate School Of Medicine
宮本 忠吉
MIYAMOTO Tadayoshi
Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Morinomiya University of Medical Science
Miyamoto Tadayoshi
国立循環器病センター 研先進医工学センター 循環動態機能部
Miyamoto T
Osaka City Univ.
Miyamoto Tadayoshi
Department Of Cardiovascular Dynamics National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Wadazumi Tsuyoshi
Faculty of Service Industries, University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences
MIMURA Tatsuya
Doctoral Program of Human Life Science, Osaka City University
TANAKA Shigehiro
Department of Health and Sports Sciences, Mukogawa Women s University
Faculty of Integrated Human Studies and Social Sciences, Fukuoka Prefectural University
Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Sports Medicine, Osaka City University
Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Sports Medicine, Osaka City University
Miyamoto Tadayoshi
Department Of Physical Therapy Morinomiya University Of Medical Sciences
Miyamoto Tadayoshi
Institute Of Health Science And Physical Education Osaka City University
Fujimoto Shigeo
大阪市立大学 医学研究科運動生体医学
Fujimoto Shigeo
大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 運動生体医学
Tanaka Shigehiro
School Of Letters Department Of Health And Sports Sciences Mukogawa Women's University
Tanaka Shigehiro
Department Of Health And Sports Sciences Mukogawa Women's University
Wadazumi Tsuyoshi
Faculty Of Service Industries University Of Marketing And Distribution Sciences
Ishihara Kazunari
Faculty Of Integrated Human Studies And Social Sciences Fukuoka Prefectural University
Fujimoto S
Department Of Sports Medicine Osaka City University Graduate School Of Medicine
Fujiwara Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Medicine Department Of Sports Medicine Osaka City University
Miyamoto Tadayoshi
Department of Acupuncture, Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences
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