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This paper proposes a control method for the swing of a variable-length pendulum. Because Coriolis' force is caused by a compound motion (rotational and rectilinear) the pendulum is governed by non-liner equation of motion, even if the swing angle is small. In this paper, we developed a self-tuning control system utilizing the Coriolis force. The system is controlled by using an output equation including a non-liner term as a system parameter to be estimated. The control law is based on the minimization of a quadratic cost function. Using the newly propose control scheme, the pendulum can be controlled without knowing information about the system parameters and the phase angle information between the swing angle of the pendulum and its velocity. The experimental and useful for controlling the swing of the pendulum compared with the conventional method such as Lyapunov's method.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-07-25
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