Determination of Specific Activity of Cobalt (^<60>Co/Co) in Steel Samples Exposed to the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima
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Specific activity <SUP>60</SUP>Co/Co in two steel samples taken at 687m S and 1295m NNW from the hypocenter was measured by gamma-ray spectrometry and neutron activation analysis. The results were, respectively, (2.64 ± 0.38) × 10<SUP>1</SUP> and (3.09 ± 0.48) × 10<SUP>-1</SUP> dpm/mg Co at the time of bombing, which are consistent with previous data by Hashizume et al. for steel rings on the surface of roofs of buildings. The present data are expected to serve as verification of the bomb neutron transport calculations.<BR> Content of nickel and copper in the samples, determined by colorimetric and neutron activation methods, respectively, was too small to account for any significant <SUP>60</SUP>Co production by the (n, p) and (n, α) reactions.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
藤田 正一郎
丸山 隆司
藤田 正一郎
木村 敏正
高野 直人
井場 敏行
渡辺 忠章
浜田 達二
浜田 達二
木村 敏正
( 財 )日本分析センター
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