- 論文の詳細を見る
The suitable levels of fabrication factors such as the content (F/C) of the fine aggregates, the content (V_f) of the vinylon toughening fibers and the surface modification of the fibers for new development of the nonasbestos fiber-reinforced cement board (FRCB) having an excellent mechanical or a frost durable properties were determined. The values of F/C= 0.5 mass% and V_f=2.0 vol% were the best for the mechanical properties of the FRCBs. The hydrophilic surface modification of the fibers was also effective to improve the mechanical properties due to an enhancement of the interfacial adhesion between hardened cement matrix and fibers. The frost durability was more effectively improved by the controlling of the pore size distribution than the surface modification of the fibers.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1996-09-01
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