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The possibility of preferential recovery of lead from lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramics by wet ball milling with aqueous H_2SO_4 solution was investigated. The wet ball milling was performed using a pot mill apparatus in air for 0-96 h at room temperature with the rotational speed fixed at 300 rpm. Untreated PZT was dipped in aqueous H_2SO_4 solution for comparison with the wet-ball-milled specimen. The diffraction lines of the PZT crystallites disappeared completely from the XRD results, and only the diffraction lines of PbSO_4 were confirmed by the wet ball milling for more than 48h. For all the dipped specimens, the diffraction lines of PZT were identified even when the specimens were treated in 4.5mol/dm^3 H_2SO_4 solution for 96h. According to ICP analysis of the dissolved components into the H_2SO_4 filtrate, the amounts of zirconium and titanium dissolved in the solution were found to increase with increasing treatment time, and the leaching behavior of both ions conformed closely to the collapsing behavior of the PZT crystal structure. As for lead ion in the solution, the dissolution amount was below 0.1% compared with the initial lead content in PZT ceramics under all the ball milling conditions. These results indicated that more than 99.9 mass% of lead in PZT can be recovered as PbSO_4 by wet ball milling for more than 48h. The purity of the recovered PbSO_4 calculated from the ICP results was approximately 98 mass%. [Received March 28, 2003; Accepted August 29, 2003]
- 2003-11-01
笹井 亮
Division Of Environmental Research Ecotopia Science Institute Nagoya University:department Of Applie
神谷 壮宏
伊藤 秀章
笹井 亮
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