Postoperative Neurosurgical Infection and Antibiotic Prophylaxis
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The most suitable antibiotics for chemoprophylaxis in neurosurgery and risk factors for postoperative neurosurgical infection were investigated by retrospective analysis of 807 neurosurgical procedures in 566 patients between 1980 and 1989. Prophylactic antibiotics were administered intravenously for 6 or 7 postoperative days in all instances. The 807 operations were classified according to the antibiotics used into: 1) penicillin, 2) cephem-I, 3) cephem-II, 4) cephem-III, and 5) others. Postoperative neurosurgical infections occurred in 27 of 807 operations (3.3%), or 27 of 566 patients (4.8%). Hypertension and surgery performed in summer carried a significantly higher risk of infection. Diabetes mellitus, steroid administration, prolonged surgery, re-exploration, and surgery for hemorrhagic cerebrovascular diseases were associated with increased risk, but were not statistically significant. Infection rates by type of chemoprophylaxis were: 3.6% in the penicillin group, 3.7% in the cephem-I group, 1.7% in the cephem-II group, 5.7% in the cephem-III group, and 2.8% in the others group. This result indicates that the best choice for prophylactic antibiotic therapy may be a second-generation cephem.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1992-02-15
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health
井出 光信
Department of Neurosurgery, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
Yamamoto Masaaki
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medico] University Daini Hospital
IDE Mitsunobu
Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Women's Medico] University Daini Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Women's Medico] University Daini Hospital
JIMBO Minoru
Departments of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Women's Medical College Dai-ni Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery, Dai-ni Hospital, Tokyo Women's Medical College
Tanaka Noriko
Department Of Biostatistics Harvard School Of Public Health
Tanaka Noriko
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medico] University Daini Hospital
井出 光信
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medico] University Daini Hospital
Umebara Yutaka
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medical College Dai-ni Hospital
Jimbo Minoru
Departments Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medical College Dai-ni Hospital
Jimbo Minoru
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Jimbo Minoru
Department Of Neurosurgery Neurological Institute Tokyo Women's Medical School
Tanaka Noriko
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medical College Dai-ni Hospital
Hagiwara Shinji
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medico] University Daini Hospital
Hagiwara Shinji
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medical College Dai-ni Hospital
Hagiwara Shinji
Department Of International Medicine International Center For Medical Research Kobe University Schoo
Yamamoto Masaaki
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Ide Mitsunobu
Departments Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medical College Dai-ni Hospital
Ide Mitsunobu
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Women's Medical College Dai-ni Hospital
Yamamoto Masaaki
Department Of Dermatology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yamamoto Masaaki
Department Of Neurosurgery Neurological Institute Tokyo Women's Medical School
Yamamoto Masaaki
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University
Department of Environmental Chemistry, Utsunomiya University
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