Difference in Abdominal Muscularity at the Umbilicus Level between Young and Middle-aged Men
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This study aimed to examine how the muscularity of the abdomen at the umbilicus level differs between sedentary middle-aged and young men. Magnetic resonance imaging was applied to determine the cross-sectional areas of skeletal muscle, subcutaneous fat, and interperitoneal tissue in 43 middle-aged (40-58 yrs) and 38 young (21-29 yrs) men. The cross-sectional area of the skeletal muscle was analyzed as the sum of those of the rectus abdominis, abdominal oblique, lower back, and iliopsoas skeletal muscle groups. The middleaged men showed greater waist circumference and whole abdominal cross-sectional area than the young men. In addition, the cross-sectional areas of subcutaneous fat and interperitoneal tissue were greater in the middle-aged men than in the young men. However, the total cross-sectional area of the skeletal muscle was similar between the two groups, although its percentage to the whole abdominal cross-sectional area was higher in the young men compared to the middle-aged men. Among the four skeletal muscle groups analyzed, the percentage of the cross-sectional areas in abdominal oblique muscles to that of total skeletal muscle was higher in the middle-aged men than in the young men and that of the lower back muscles was the reverse. These results were similar even when cross-sectional area data were analyzed using a subsample (33 middle-aged and 23 young men) matched for body height and mass. Thus, the present study indicated that the total muscularity of the abdomen at the umbilicus level was similar between the middle-aged and young men, but the relative distributions of lower back and abdominal oblique muscles varied between the two generations.
Department of Life Sciences (Sports Sciences), University of Tokyo
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health
Institute of Health and Sports Science, University of Tsukuba
Tanaka Noriko
Department Of Biostatistics Harvard School Of Public Health
Fukunaga Tetsuo
Department of Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Kanehisa Hiroaki
Department Of Life Sciences (sports Sciences) University Of Tokyo
Kanehisa Hiroaki
Department Of Life Science (sports Science) University Of Tokyo
Nishijima Takahiko
Institute Of Health And Sport Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Fukunaga Tetsuo
早稲田大学 大学院スポーツ科学研究科
Fukunaga Tetsuo
Department Of Life Science(sports Science) The University Of Tokyo
Yamada Masafumi
Bancho Clinic
Tanaka Yasuhiro
Tanaka Women's Clinic
National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya
Tanaka Noriko
Department Of Sport System Kokushikan University
Tanaka Yasuhiro
Tanaka Women's Clinic
Fukunaga Tetsuo
Department Of Human Sciences Waseda University
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- Difference in Abdominal Muscularity at the Umbilicus Level between Young and Middle-aged Men
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