A Correlation in a Series of +1 and -1 and an Application to a Layer Structure: Laves Phase
- 論文の詳細を見る
In a series consisting of -F- 1 and - I, a pair of the i-th and j-th elements, a(i) anda(j), is characterized by two integers; one is the separation m=j -i (7>7) and theother is the sum d of m - 1 numerals between the two elements. If the pair is denotedby [*(/), a(j); m, d3, all pairs in a series belong to one of the following four types forgiven parameters m and d: [1,1; m,dJ, fl,1", m, dJ, [1,1; rn,dJ and [1,1; m,dJ,where l and l are used instead of -l- l and - 1. Out of these four types, it has beenverified that two types of pairs [1, 1 ; m, d ] and [1, 1 ; m, d ] a)cpear alternately in anyseries and therefore the total numbers of pairs are equal to each other for these twotypes or are different at most by unity. This correlation is applied to a layer structuresuch as Laves phase, and specific relations are derived.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1988-12-15
北野 保行
北野 保行
北野 保行
Kitano Yasuyuki
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
北野 保行
北野 保行
SASAKI Shosuke
Department of Physics, College of General Education, Osaka University
北野 保行
MISHIMA Kunihiko
Department of Materials Science,Faculty of Science,Heroshima University
Sasaki Shosuke
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
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