Orbital Order Effect of Two-Dimensional Spin Gap System for CaV_4O_9
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Effects of possible orbital order in magnetic properties of two-dimensional spin gap systezn forCab,jug are investigated theoretically. After analyzing experiunental data, we show that singleorbital naodels assumed in the literattrre are insufficient to reprodtrce the data. To understandthe origin of the discrepancy, we assume that in d" state of V, d.. and d.. orbitals have stub-stantial contribtttions in the lowest-energy atounic level which leads to a double-degeneracy. Westudy possible configurations of the orbital order. By exact diagonalization and perturbationexpansion, xve calctrlate the susceptibility, wavenumber dependence of low-lying excitations andequal-time spin-spin correlations which is related to integrated intensity of the netrtron inelasticscattering. These quantities sensitively depend on the configtrration of the orbital order. The catcvrlated results for some configurations of the orbital order reproduce rn?rny experimental resultsmtrch better than the previotrs single-orbital unodels. However some discrepancy still remainsto completely reproduce all of the reported experitnental restrlts. To understand the origin ofthese discrepancies, we point otrt the possible importance of the partially occttpied cl.. orbitalin addition to orbital order of partially filled d.. and d.. orbitals.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-02-15
Imada Masatoshi
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Katoh Nobuyuki
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
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