Dynamical Structure Factors of α-AgI Based upon Hubbard-Beeby Theory
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A modified Hubbard-Beeby theory is used to calculate the dynamical structure fac-tors of the superionic conductor cv-Agl. It is found that the partial dynamical struc-ture factors of cations and anions are almost the same at long wavelengths but verydifferent at short wavelengths. From analysis of the partial dynamical structure fac-tors it is found that the vibrational motion of cations is strongly correlated with thelow-frequency longitudinal acoustic mode of the anion sublattice at longwavelengths. It is also found that this cation motion has no correlation with the high-frequency longitudinal optical mode of the anion sublattice at short wavelengths.These results closely resemble those of the molecular dynamics performed by Kanekoand Ueda except for the lack of a quasielastic peak. However, the cation motion has astrong correlation with the longitudinal acoustic mode even at short wavelengths.[cr-Agl,superionic conductor, dynamical structure factor,response function,cod- ][ lective motion, Hubbard-Beeby theoryI
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-04-15
Kobayashi Michisuke
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Niigata University
Tomoyose Tomozo
Physics Department, Division of General Education, Ryukyu University
Tomoyose Tomozo
Physics Department General Education Division Ryukyu University
Kobayashi Michisuke
Department Of Physice Nigata University
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