Ionic Dielectric Function of α-AgI Based upon Hubbard-Beeby Theory
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A frequency and wave vector dependent dielectric function of α-AgI is studied by using a phonon description based on a modified Hubbard-Beeby theory. The frequency dependent dielectric function is characterized by a main LO phonon peak and a sub LA phonon peak. The frequency spectrum for the dielectric function is consistent with those for the ac conductivity and the charge density dynamical structure factor of α-AgI.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1995-07-15
友寄 友造
友寄 友造
Kobayashi M
Niigata Univ. Niigata
Kobayashi Michihiro
Department Of Material Physics
Tomoyose Tomozo
Department of Physics, Division of General Education, Ryukyu University
Yogi Tatsuhiro
Department of Physics, Division of General Education, Ryukyu University
Kobayashi Michisuke
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Niigata University
Tomoyose Tomozo
Department Of Physice And Earth Science Ryukyu University
Kobayashi Michisuke
Department Of Physice Nigata University
Kobayashi M
Osaka Univ. Oska
Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University
Yogi T
Department Of Physics And Earth Sciences College Of Science University Of The Ryukyus
Yogi T
Department Of Physics Division Of General Education Ryukyu University
Yogi Tatsuhiro
Department Of Physics And Earth Science College Of Science University Of The Ryukyus
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