Ionicthermocurrent Studies of Mn^<++>-Vacancy Complexes Associated with F^- Ion in NaCl:(Mn^<++>-V)_<F->
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The structure and the dipolar reorientation of Mn"-Vacancy complex,(Mn"-V), have been studied with the measurements of electron paramagneticresonance (EPR) and tonic thermocurrent (ITCH) in NaC1 doubly doped withMu" and F tons. A new EPR signal of Mn"-F con?plex with a vacancyat the nearest neighbor cation site (nn) was observed (Spectrum III).) in additionto the one with a vacancy at the next nearest site (nnn) observed by Yokozawaand Kazumata (Spectrum III..). ITC studies indicate that the orientation energiesof a vacancy around Mn"-F axis are 0.50, 0.53 and 0.58 eV in contrast to0.67 eV for the orientation of Mn"-vancancy complex. l'hree ITC activationenergies are attributed to the corresponding jumps from nn to nn around Mn"-F axis, from nn to nnn and from nnn to nn sitc:, respectively. Energy states fora vacancy around Mn"-V complex and (Mn"-V).- are sehematically shown.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-10-15
Ikeya Motoji
Department Of Earth And Space Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Ikeya Motoji
Department Of Electrical Engineering Technical College Yamaguchi University
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