Electronic States in High-T_c Copper-Oxide Superconductors. II
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The electronic states in the Cub.-layer have been studied by using the p-d modelwith the help of the auxiliary boson method for treating the local electronic correlaLion properly. What have been found are: at sufficiently low temperature the elecironic states form coherent bands, whose width and intensity are strongly dependingupon number of doped carriers (more significantly for holes than electrons) and thep-d charge transfer energy. In particular, when the number of doped-holes n. issmall, a new band form around the Fermi level inside the energy gap and its widthand intensity are proportional to n,.. Even then the Fermi surface is still determinedby the total number of unpaired electrons which are mainly of the localized #-elecirons.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1990-08-15
Tamifusa Matsuura
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Kosuge Yu
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
KURODA Yoshihiro
Physics Department, Nagoya University
Physics Department, Aichi University of Education
Physics Department, Nagoya University
Aichi College of Technology
Kuroda Yoshihiro
Physics Department Nagoya University
Jichu Hisao
Physics,Department,Aichi University of Education
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