A Model for Cooper Pairing in Heavy Fermion Superconductor : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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Cooper pair formation in the heavy fermion system is discussed on the basis of a tight・binding model for the Kondo lattice system. The attractive interaction between heavy fermions stems from the coupling with phonons, which arises through the modulations of the transfer to the nearest neighbor site and the single-particle level of the heavy fermion owing to the lattice vibrations. The interaction relevant to the Cooper pair formation is written in the form of the superposition of separable forms with s-, d- and p-like symmetries. A comparison among the transition temperatures for various types of Cooper pairing shows that the singlet pairing is always favorable compared to the triplet one, and that, of singlet pairings, the d-like one is most favorable in the weak coupling case and so is the s-like one in the strong coupling case. The manner in which the d- and s-components mix together below T_c is discussed in the Ginzburg-Landau region, from which it is shown that the possible type of pairing is purely s-like one or d-like one with s-like admixtures, depending whether the highest T_c occurs for s-like or d-like pairing. This implies that the low lying excitations can be nearly gapless for appropriate values of parameters characterizing the model.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1984-12-25
Tamifusa Matsuura
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Matsuura Tamifusa
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Miyake Kazumasa
Department Of Internal Medicine Division Of Gastroenterology Nippon Medical School
Nagaoka Y
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Nagaoka Yosuke
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Nagoya
Physics Department, Aichi University of Education
Jichu Hisao
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Jichu Hisao
Physics,Department,Aichi University of Education
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