Volume Effect in Thermal Properties of CeRu_2Si_2 near the Metamagnetic Crossover
- 論文の詳細を見る
Volume effect in the teraaperatttre and field variattion of the specific heat C (T, H ) of CeRuz Sizwas examined by means of' detailed therraa?tl expansion rmeastrrenaaent perforn'xed at teuaaperaturesT >1.5 K in magnetic fields H< 78 k0e. llVIaking trse of theruaaodynauaaic relatiot'as and thescaling properties that hold in the systetn, the specific hesrt C-( at constant voltruaae is estinaatedfrom experinaentaJ values of' Cv at constant pressture, XX7e slaow that the dotrble-peak strtrctttrein Cp /T vs. II ctrrve, recently observed Icy Aoki et at. across the rnetataaagnetic critical region,still remains in the constarut volunae condition; it is likely to be intrinsic in origin. We haxrealso examined tlae thernaal expansion of' the dilttted systeraa Ceo.ss (Lao.c;aYo.sw)o.tsRtrxSix xvheremetataaagnetistta is absent. Renaarkable difference in t['xe field variation of the therrnal expansioncoefficient betxveen tlaese two systeraas lcelow 10 K denaonstrates the existence of a low energy scalethat arises f'roraa certain ir?ter-site effect and is relevant f'or the occtrrrence of' taaetaraaatgnetisrn.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-07-15
ONUKI Yoshichika
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
松平 和之
九州工業大学工学部 電気工学科
Tsutsui Satoshi
Department Of Materials Science And Technology Iwate University
Suzuki T
Issp University Of Tokyo
MAEZAWA Kunihiko
Faculty of Engineering,Toyama Prefectural University
Tatsuoka Sho
Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Suzuki N
Riken (inst. Physical And Chemical Res.) Saitama
Suzuki N
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Division of Physics,Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido University
Division of Physics,Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido University
Sakakibara Toshiro
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Maezawa Kunihiko
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama Prefectural University
Onuki Yoshichika
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Matsuda Kyoko
Department Of Material Physics Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Matsushita Kazuyuki
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Sasagawa Takao
Graduate School Of Frontier Sciences University Of Tokyo
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