Susceptibility and Effective Interaction in the Dilute Two Dimensional Hubbard Model
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(l) The wave ntrnaaber dependence of' the static sjcin susceptibility ((q) and (2) the efl'ectiveinteraction betxveen qtrasiparticles nnedi?rted by spun fltrcttrations in the dilute two dinaensionalHubbard tnodel are investigated. The qtrantutaa IVIonte Carlo tnethod (QlN4C) and the fltrcttrationexchange approxitaaation (FLEX) are ;tpplied to this raaodel, It is found that a naaxinatrna at wavenuxnber q : 0 eraaerges and dex'elops ir? y(q) as the interaction U gets strong. It is also f'otrndthat the uaaost attractive coztaponent of tlae effective interaction mediated by SPLIT fltrcttrationsis the p-wave componetat iru tlae strong cotrplittg r'egion xvhere a raaaxiuntrtn at q = 0 devolops inX ((7) .
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-01-15
Takahashi H
Univ. Tokyo Chiba
Institute of Physics,University of Tsukuba
Takahashi H
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
Takahashi Hideaki
Institute Of Foreign Language Education And Research Kansai University
Takahashi Hideaki
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
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