An Evidence for Existence of a Third Phase in NaNO_2
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A recent study of the phase transition of NaN0_2 revealed^<1)> a third phase between the ferroelectric and the paraelectric phases. From the precise X-ray diffraction measurements in this study it was found that this new phase appears in a very narrow temperature range starting at the well-known ferroelectric transition point, 163℃, and that in this phase the crystal has some new type of antiferroelectric structure in which sinusoidal modulation of the magnitude of electric dipole moment along the a-axis takes place. However, no evidence suggesting the existence of such new phase has been found in any measurements of the physical properties of the crystal except in these X-ray diffraction measurements^<1),2),3)>. Even in these X-ray studies, the transition temperature from this intermediate phase to the paraelectric phase could not be detected clearly. Because of this in complete evidence of the existence of a new phase, a precise measurement of the temperature dependence of the specifc heat of NaN0_2 crystal was performed, even though a previously reported^<4)>, measurement of the specific heat of this crystal showed no evidence for the second transition. The automatic recording adiabatic calorimeter of Rigakudenki Co. was used in the measurement. In the use of such type of calorimeter to measure the specific heat vs. temperature curve, the shape of the anomaly peak at the transition may sometimes be largely affected by the heating rate of the specimen having a poor thermal conductivity, and if a fast heating rate is used for the measurement the small anomaly which is expected to appear near the large anomaly would not be detected. Thus the very slow heating rate of about O.1℃/min. was used in the present measurement so as to abtain thermal equilibrium in the specimen. A specimen of about 18 grams was used and the time taken to raise the temperature of the specimen each 1/4℃ was measured. The heat input to the specimen was about 0.005 cal./sec.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1964-01-05
Hoshino Sadao
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Hoshino Sadao
Institute For Solid State Phsics The University Of Tokyo
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